VBScript aspinfo function

A VBScript equivalent of PHP’s phpinfo

Sub aspinfo
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<body><div class="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
<tr class="h"><td>
<h1 class="p">ASP</h1>
</table><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
<tr class="h"><th colspan="2">ServerVariables</th></tr>
Dim key
For Each key In Request.ServerVariables
    Response.Write "" & vbCrlf
    Response.Write "" & key & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & Request.ServerVariables(key) & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & vbCrLf
<tr class="h"><th colspan="2">ClientCertificate</th></tr>
For Each key In Request.ClientCertificate
    Response.Write "" & vbCrlf
    Response.Write "" & key & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & Request.ClientCertificate(key) & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & vbCrLf

</table><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
<tr class="h"><th colspan="2">Contents</th></tr>
For Each key In Application.Contents
    Response.Write "" & vbCrlf
    Response.Write "" & key & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & Application.Contents(key) & "" & vbCrLf
    Response.Write "" & vbCrLf
</table><br />
End Sub

Please also note that php.vbs offers community built functions and goes by the McDonald’s Theory. We’ll put online functions that are far from perfect, in the hopes to spark better contributions. Do you have one? Then please just:

Other PHP functions in the option extension